Reproduction Studies on the Minnesota National Forest
Major Professor
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The Minnesota National Forest presents some interesting and important problems in reproduction. The silvicultural system in practice is that of clear cutting, leaving scattering seed trees, and is prescribed by the Morris Act of 1902 and subsequent amendment of 1908. The original statute authorized the leaving of five per cent of the volume of pine on any specified area sold to a single purchaser. The trees left on the sale area are selected by the forest officer in charge. The amendment of 1908 increased, the volume left in seed trees to ten per cent. The securing of reproduction and thus a second crop of timber on the forest is extremely important for it is probable that no other area in our national forests possesses greater possibilities of large financial returns. The two important species on the forest, white and Norway pines, can be grown on nearly all of the forest and much of the land should be classed as quality 1 site. Under such conditions both white and Norway pine have large possibilities.