Winter wheat.
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There is a growing demand throughout the state of Iowa for information relating to the growing of winter wheat. This is explained by referring to crop statistics. In 1885 there were 56,854 acres of winter wheat grown in the state, as against 1,294,733 acres of spring wheat, while in 1898 there were 192,056 acres of the former and 1,226,510 acres of the latter. In other words, while the acreage of winter as compared with that of spring wheat was only one-twentieth in 1885, it had increased until it amounted to one-sixth in 1898. The yield per acre throughout the state with but few exceptions has been larger from the winter than from the spring wheat crop. This has been borne out by the Station results, in fact the yield per acre from the winter wheat has nearly doubled that of the spring for a number of years. Our experience goes to prove that there is no difficulty in getting a yield of from 30 to 60 bushels per acre when proper attention is given to preparing the soil and the right kind of seed used. It is true that winter conditions are too severe at intervals, but a season like 98-99 is the exception and not the rule.